AMG is Authentic Mens Group
It is the opportunity for men to be real so they can get what they really want. It is where men talk about success or failure, sex, or lack thereof and significance even if it seems evasive. AMG is a movement that is passionate about all men living their lives to the fullest potential.
Men want to make it in this world. This is a strong desire to succeed. We have a tendency to hide in our success or from our success. There are really two ways to define success: our living success which involves what we do and what we accomplish when we are alive and our lasting success which involves how we want to be remembered beyond our life.
Men want to have deep connection with those they live with. This is the strong desire to connect. Sex is meant to be the deepest form of connection between two people. However, in order to truly experience this deep connection we have to first garner intimacy in our relationships. Physical sex alone can hardly be considered making love.
Men want to make a difference in the world they live in and the world they leave behind. This desire is really a longing for significance. We want to know and feel that our life has value to others. There is a strong desire to do something meaningful to leave a legacy. Significance stems from and is found in the relationships around us.